1. Newman's Health As Expanding Consciousness New!
2. Comfort Theory by Katharine Kolcaba New!
3. Introduction to Nursing Theories
4. Development of Nursing Theories
5. Virginia Henderson’s Need Theory
6. Theory if Interpersonal Relations
7. Faye Glenn Abdellah's Theory
8. Jean Watson's theory
9. Johnson’s behavior system model
10. Theory of Goal Attainment
11. Betty Neuman’s system model
12. Levin's Four Conservation Principles
13. Nursing Theorists
14. Martha Roger’s Science of unitary human beings
15. Theories Based on Interactive Process
16. Orem's Self-Care Deficit Theory
17. Nursing Theories: An Overview
18. Nursing Theories and Research
19. Roy's Adaptation Model
20. Orlando's Nursing Process
21. Notes on Nursing: What it is, What it is not: Nightingale
22. Understanding the works of Nursing Theorists: A creative beginning
23. Health Promotion Model
24. Health Belief Model
25. Theories used in Community Health Nursing
26. Application of Nursing Theories
27. Application Goal Attainment Theory
28. Application Orem's Self-care Deficit Theory
29. Application of Suchman’s Stages of Illness Model
30. Application of Betty Neuman's Systems Model in Nursing Care
31. Application of Roy's Adaptation Model in Nursing Process
32. Application of Peplau's Interpersonal theory in Nursing Process
33. Application of Health Belief Model in Nursing Practice
34. Transcultural Nursing
35. Helping and Human Relationships Theory: Robert R. Carkhuff
36. Models of Prevention
37. Care, Cure and Core: The Three C’s of Lydia Hall
38. Human Becoming Theory:Rosemarie Rizzo Parse
39. From Novice to Expert: Patricia Benner
40. Erikson's Theory of Psychosocial Development
41. Theory of Cognitive Dissonance by Leon Festinger
42. Kurt Lewin's Change Theory
43. Prochaska and DiClemente's Stages of Change Model
44. Ernestine Wiedenbach's "The Helping Art of Clinical Nursing"
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